
Piano Performance - The Embodied Mind
In this second edition (2021) of Rethinking Piano Performance: The Embodied Mind, author Cristine MacKie  shows that to this day, piano pedagogy and piano performance continue to labour under the inheritance of that part of Western philosophy which separates the performer’s mind – and its ability to reason – from perception and bodily movement.  In Rethinking Piano Performance the author  supplants  this established belief, and argues that while the mind is self-evidently the site of mental phenomena, it is also fully embodied. This view is supported by the research of neuroscientists Damasio (2000, 2012) and Edelman (2007),  who use brain-mapping technological tools such as functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and, more recently still, Magnetoencephalography (MEG) which overturn the concept of duality. With this new evidence, the approval of  Prof. Antonio Damasio and the research of philosophers Lackoff and Johnson (1999) amongst others, the  book reveals  that preparing musical works for performance is not  just  a process of the mind, but may be shaped by our bodies – crucially, by the somatosensory system.
To obtain a copy of Rethinking Piano Performance: The Embodied Mind click here, or send an email to:www You can also use Paypal for your order.  See full Cover Notes


New Thoughts on Piano Performance


In this 2nd edition (2021), of New Thoughts on Piano Performance: Research at the Interface between Science and the Art of Piano Performance  is a London International Piano Symposium publication, which presents interdisciplinary research, the overarching goal of which is to expand the frontiers of knowledge in the field of piano performance, by exploring the interface between skilled artistry and scientific research. It is a work of central importance to those musicians who are seeking to achieve elite performance, as well as researchers, pedagogues, clinicians, and all those who are passionate about the piano and its future development.

To obtain a copy of New Thoughts click here, or send an email to can now also use Paypal for your order.

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